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Took my sno trackers off and tried Woody's slim Jim Dooly's.

Dec 2, 2012
Sun Prairie, WI
So I thought that the sno-trackers made the sled grab too much in the corners. I tried some Woody's Slim Jim Dooleys this year. We got 6" of fresh snow, and man does this thing dart and want to follow other ski tracks. I don't remember the sno trackers doing this last year. So I'm thinking I want to put the sno-trackers back on. I did have one stud that broke on one runner. And I think I threw out all the rusty nuts. Can anyone tell me what the nuts are so I can go buy new ones. Also, who is a U.S dealer closest to Wisconsin that I can purchase another runner??

One last thing. How do I know if these are aggressive or semi aggressive?

Thanks all.

Firecat_Freak yes the woody's will dart compared to the snow trackers,
if you don't have dual keel skies like arrow or the new ones from yamaha than snow trackers are the best way to go,

Aggressive kit 7.5" carbide (1" deep runner)
Semi Aggressive kit 6" carbide (3/4" deep runner)
Firecat_Freak said:
Have you had the sno trackers before? Are the arrow or new yamaha skis better than the stockers with the sno trackers? Thanks.
As far as tracking is concerned there is no ski built that will track like the snowtracker's. I have wasted far to much money on ski's.
SnowTracker's don't follow anything and they bite, infact in some cases the agressive's bite to much and require some getting used to.
Kviper I'm in the same boat as you on spending tons on skis to get the same results as the ones you just took off,

Besides snowtracker arrow are the next best thing,

I thank betheviper for letting us know how good they really are and took is advise and never looked back,

I can run one hand on the bars on the straight aways while other sleds come at me are all over the trail (all brands)...

What make the arrow ski so good is that the keels are close together unlike others, the down side is that they are a trail only ski, not very wide so really can't go off trail with them, only wish they where wider,

Look up STEALTH ski I think the are new for this year(snowtracker concept built into a ski)...
I have seen them.
Still more expensive than trackers though and I know the results of the trackers.
Only reason for different ski's is if you need wider for float.
They didn't have any kits or replacement carbides in stock. Was quoted $170 for replacement carbides? $230 for the whole kit? Seems like a lot for just replacement carbides.
Banks93 said:
Little chute

Have had both. Snowtrackers are best.
Firecat_Freak said:
They didn't have any kits or replacement carbides in stock. Was quoted $170 for replacement carbides? $230 for the whole kit? Seems like a lot for just replacement carbides.
Banks93 said:
Little chute Have had both. Snowtrackers are best.

The other place is the one in Canada. You would have to look at the snowtrackers website.

Yes, they are expensive but they work. Usually get 2 years out of them so you figure by the time you buy maybe three set of regular carbide it is about the same thing.
Bergstrom triple points, have you considered them? I was torn between them or the snotrackers. After reading about people having accidents with the snotrackers I decided to stick with what I know works. Triple points. They cost about $200 for a set and I usually get 2-3 seasons out of them.
MidwestMike said:
I know it is probably just hype, and there are times you try to wade through too many opinions, but some of the bad press still makes me think on the snowtrackers.

Snowtracker Search

Although, in reality I realize how many people run them without any issues.

So three posts say they are bad and a few hundred swear by them. Funny is the guys who never tried them but by looking at them they can see all the flaws and make judgment calls based on that.

I have watched Bounty and Steiner on the TY rides and saw no bad handling at all from them. Both of them swore by them. They both ride hard and fast maybe thats the secret.

So I guess when I put them on my sled I'll find out for myself. I will however set them up as recommended as I'm sure did all those who say they are no good.

By the way My 05 Warrior was a scary sled to ride out of the box. Damn near rolled it a couple times and there was no way I could or would ride it anywhere near agresively Yet once I dropped the front end lower to the snow, sucked up the limiter and installed a larger sway bar it handled so well it was like a new sled. So do I blame the Yamaha ski's or carbides for my Warrior's ill handling? Wait a minute I did!
