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TY Manitoba Ride 2013 is a go thanks to wpgwarrior.

Looks like Yammi will be holding thier demo rides that weekend. They usally have it in a few locations (dealers and whiteshell park). Maybe we can hook-up with one of the demos. Sure would like to try out a Vector ltx with PS after driving my shorty for a few hours to see if a upgrade is in my future.

Warrior, do you have a head count and what was the dates that you settled on. My wife and I have a cottage in Lee River and would like to join up. Please PM me and I will give you my number and we can chat. Thanks Paul.
I will try to make it for a day or two. It will have to be a last minute decision for me but I will make my own arrangements. I will check back here for updates or put me on the list if there is one.
Pinch me I'm dreaming! A Manitoba TY ride? I've about given up on riding one of them ever again. Last one was a dismal turnout of three riders.

15th to 17th sounds fine for me I think. I mean I have not missed a TY Manitoba ride since its conception in 2006 and I have the shirt to prove it. Heck I even showed up one year on a Cat cause my Yami had broke a driveshaft and I could not get parts in time. I know everyone enjoyed following her while she burnt that good old Cat oil! What do you mean I have to ride at the back?

How can you have a TY ride without the Sasquatch. Remember Moose are freinds! I still remember her fondly as she gazed at me with those eyes and passed water.
So the Hotel is Drifters inn LDB? I've stayed there before a few years back. Good food has a bar it'll work. So ride Friday Sat and Sunday. I have GPS maps of past rides. They varied from year to year. I'm sure you guys know the trails better then I do. Over the years I think I have rode most of em but I'm still working on making it all of them.
