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Procedure for welding on the chasis


Nov 24, 2006
Sudbury, ON

Just wondering if anyone here knew anything about what needs to be done when wedling onto the '07 Phazer...

I have a small repair to make in the front frame, it's a pretty accesible spot, and I don't need to remove the whole thing to weld it.

What electronic components should I unplug??


Unplug the battery completely. If your welding Aluminum, make sure to TIG it. I would even unplug the CDI. Anything of great cost, just to be sure. That's me. I weld for a living and I take no chances at all.

unhook the battery and wait 10 min. it should be safe to weld it then. if you have acess to a surge capacitor for welding, just clip it on and weld away. do this at work all the time on pickups and transports. i have one if you want to borrow it.
I would un-plug ALL electronics to the engine including the grounds!
whoa guys!!!

that is wayy too much work. with just disconnecting the batt you isolate all the grounds from haveing a through connection. with disconnecting the grounds/welding capacitor used on transports that are drive by wire, we have not had to reflash (reprogram) a computer in the last 7 years. the one time it happened 7.5 years ago the transport would not run at all. crank all day till we got it re-flashed.
