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Mar 23, 2005
Randolph, NY
I had my Apex GT out in a large field day before yesterday. I was running it back and fourth several times and in a half mile run. I managed to get it up to just over 100 indicated. So I decided to go back home and plug the GPS in. I went back to the field with the GPS mounted and ran several passes over this 1/2 mile stretch. The max speed I could attain on the GPS was a whopping 89.6 mph. I'm not disappointed yet because it was in about of foot of loose snow and I am not picked. I really thought that the Apex GT would be much faster than my SRX. I will let everyone know when my son comes home from Iraq what the outcome is. Enjoy your sleds guys! :die :4STroke: ;)!

when i did check speedo with a radar in an ols drag field, I had 103 radar to 118 on the dream meter. i did get 105 a while later. I think on ice you will see decent numbers out of the new Apex.
The Problem is the conditions your running in. With the Long travel suspension and the attack angle of the track your not going to see great top-end numbers in that deep snow

I suggest you go to a ice covered road or a Lake with no snow on it to do MPH tests. Deep snow is a killer for the RX-1 and the APEX.

On a ICY road I've seen as much as 137 on the dream meter on my old RX-1 which is about 118 MPH on the Gun. In deep snow it would pull about 115 on the dream meter. which is less then 100 mph on the gun
I had made mutiple paths packing down the snow each time. But isn't 1/2 mile in a field long enough stretch to know what this thing will do?
Big difference on ice or any hard base. SRX doesn’t pull big numbers in loose snow as well. Mach Z’s, thundercats ...they are all the same. Its safe to say that most top speeds you hear or read about are best case scenarios. JMO

anyone done the speedo "2 teeth thing"..???...on an apex yet?...i want to know how close this brings apex speedo to actual....I know theres another thread about this but i think most who did it were rx1s...want to be sure its still 2 teeth for apex.

thanks guys
machzed said:
anyone done the speedo "2 teeth thing"..???...on an apex yet?...i want to know how close this brings apex speedo to actual....I know theres another thread about this but i think most who did it were rx1s...want to be sure its still 2 teeth for apex.

thanks guys
Did one tooth today,but unable to test yet,maybe in a week or so.
Unless you are on hardground, use are basically wasting fuel. You will never get a true indication of what it can do on soft snow.
machzed said:
anyone done the speedo "2 teeth thing"..???...on an apex yet?...i want to know how close this brings apex speedo to actual....I know theres another thread about this but i think most who did it were rx1s...want to be sure its still 2 teeth for apex.

thanks guys

Hey Dan, I might try grinding off a tooth, but I’m a little hesitant on how it will effect the odometer. The odometers seem to be accurate when compared to my GPS. I wish Yamaha would do the right thing and calibrate the Speedos. It bothers me when I’m doing 135 yamaperhour and every other OEM can get it much closer to reality. 5-10 mph deeficiancy in not bad, but 15-25 is not acceptable.

Dano said:
mnmsnowbeast said:
Did one tooth today,but unable to test yet,maybe in a week or so.

let us know how this works with the odometer as well...thanks

Yup i sure will,i want to know what it does to the odometer too,but i run w/gps most all the time anyways and gps will give me the most accurate milage anyway,it even gives time running so cool new toys lol,ya i took just one tooth off,just reving it on the jackstand it seems lower than before,soon we will get some snow,i hope..lol
