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XTX Riders


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Apr 27, 2008
Dalhousie, NB
2015 Viper X-TX LE MPI turbo
2009 Nytro XTX
My 2009 XTX worn spring retainers...buddy's were so bad they cut bolt and egged out his slide rail. He was close to wrecking a track.


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Wow that did not happen overnight he might want to start doing a little prevented inspecting lol he is lucky.
Wow that did not happen overnight he might want to start doing a little prevented inspecting lol he is lucky.

I would check right away...I ride with two other XTX's with the older style spring retainer set up and the other two were as bad or worst then mine...one was a couple of rides away from ruining his track.
Was up to dealer to pick up parts and they said this was something they hadn't seen before...bet there are a lot of XTX's out there with worn spring retainers...ticking time bombs! If one of those springs comes down and catches the track...ouch!
Hardly call that a ticking time bomb. There's a thing called maintenance! Sorry guys, but you really need to go through your sleds in the fall of the year and make sure things like this don't leave you stranded.

I have owned 4 other sleds (other 3 brands) and have never had to replace spring retainers nor did I ever see anything close to this amount of ware...the only other sled I had suspension problems with was my zr9 and it was well documented in the forums so I checked and fixed the problem. I put this out to hopefully help and give a heads up to xtx riders so they don't have problems. My dealer said they had never seen this problem but 3 xtx's in my group had same problem and I only checked mine because my buddy almost wore through bolt...call it what you want...I call it a ticking time bomb.
I guess if you ride it long enough something gotta give, especially if ya don't do your maintenance! It's a wearable part, plastic against steel, who would ever thought it!
I guess if you ride it long enough something gotta give, especially if ya don't do your maintenance! It's a wearable part, plastic against steel, who would ever thought it!

I'm surprised a 4 stroke god like yourself would even waste his time posting here...
I recommend pulling the skid every season and giving it the full over. Things like this arent that difficult to catch with an evening spent checking it out.
My skid comes out at least once a season (all mods done on my XTX were done by me) and I check bearings ect...but never noticed this problem (I even take springs off guides when I remove my skid and still missed it). If somebody would have posted this problem before I did I would have checked more closely and probably caught it...again just trying to help...which is what I thought this forum was for!
UPEI93 that's exactly what this forum is about and thank you for posting a potential issue. Maintenance is very important prior to riding season, but things still can get missed so heads up like this makes you take a second look. thanks again!!!

I can attest to ^^^^^^ doing his maintenance, most of it is done in my shop. I'm one of the others who suffered the same fate. I think his point in the op was to bring attention to something that is easily overlooked that could cause some expensive damage. We check bearings, slides, limiter straps, grease everything religiously but both have overlooked these simple plastic retainers as being a wear item. But hey then again we are only a mere junkie and a mere pro, once you reach god status its another story I guess.
It's a good heads up to all riders! I swapped mine out this past fall tuneup. I also put a shot of grease on them every other ride to reduce friction and wear.
All warnings are helpful!
Once the torsion springs break through the hooks it doesn't take long for them to wear through the idler mounts. The hooks also have o-ring seals so removing them from the mounts and adding grease will help. This has been discussed in the past and is not just an XTX problem. Proper inspection and maintenance is important not only during the off season but also periodically throughout the winter months: http://www.ty4stroke.com/threads/talk-to-me-about-09-fx-rear-suspension.137738/#post-1247428
