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Tunnel shine

Well this is how mine turned out, i just don't have the seat back on because i had to repair a rubber thing on the bottom and the glue is drying...


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I'm done polishing and I see most of you used a sealer and not a clear coat? Are you jut worried the clear coat will get scratched up pretty badly? POR-15 Glisten PC would be the clear coat. Thanks
time and elbow grease o ya lots of coors light haha

HRD2PLZ said:
In your words "best-easy way", use Busch's polish and a powerball on your drill. It's still not easy or really quick but looks pretty damn good when you're done. You'll use alot of rags to buff it out, and buy some good microfibers or soft cloth diapers for the final shine. And by the way you'll still have to do some by hand (corners and hard to reach places).
This is really helpful stuff, I am really considering doing this. I have no experience with this stuff so am a bit nervous but I am sure it will work out. I am going to polish under the seat first to test it out.

(Sinse I found this site I am not sure what my wife hates more... me, the site, or the fact I bought the nytro!! :D
"stupid snowmobile"
Direct quote. Ask the oft boys... I still get teezed about that one.
Not that moto would ever raz someone :)
Haha, the word snowmobile is treated like a swear word around my girlfriend and is promptly followed by a glare and/or eye roll.

Heat Index >110 here today- all I can think about is my sled...

You must of been in the cold part or Medford. My thermometer had a heat index of 117! WHERE THE #$%&* IS WINTER??
phatkid said:
got mine done over the weekend i keep wiping it and im still pulling off black from the aluminum

Ill post up some pics of mine asap

I thought you got kick off the site or maybe out of the house phatkid!! :jump:
Here's a couple simple ideas for you to at least get started easilly and learn the basics. It might help for the beginner, or someone who may not have a ton of time but at least wants a quick, easy shine.
These aren't going to deliver perfect results, but it will get you started.
Get a cheap aluminum polishing kit from Harbor Freight Tools. It costs about $25, and comes with an assortment of polishing wheels, and 3 different compunds (I believe), and can be used with a drill. The wheels are small enough to get into the smaller areas, and it'll last you a long time, and it's cheap. Even if you don't put the extra effort into the wet sanding it'll give you a pretty good shine.
The other is to find a small automotive wool buffing wheel that fits on a drill. I use a couple different ones around the shop that you should be able to find at an Oreilly, Napa, Auto Zone or if you cant find what you need locally, through me. Using a rubbing compound, even one for paint (3m makes one thats easy to find) you can get a good shine as well, even without wet sanding. The only draw back is that unless you can find some smaller wheels you won't be able to access some of the footwell areas and in between the holes in the running boards, but it'll get you started easilly enough.
Don't expect as good of results as some of the other sleds pictured here, but for a beginner you can at least make it look good enough to see your reflection, and it doesn't take that much time. From there you can always refine your skills by wet sanding and making it better. The better you can learn to polish, the easier it will be to maintain because as the surface gets shinier, it also reduces the microscopic pits and porosity in the metal that collect dirt and grime.
If you need help finding materials you can always pm me, or email me at natebernacki@gmail.com, and I can put together a care package for you with everything you'll need to do the job. I carry most all the polishing supplies in my store.
My first time was last year, I wet sanded 600,800,1200,1500,2000 then polished twice with busch aluminum polish then sealed. Turned out amazing just alotttttttt of wet sanding to get that surface pure. now one coat of polish this year with sealer and I'm done
I ended up using a product called "Heavy Metal" for my first round of polishing. I had it left over from my quad axle dump trucking days. It was the medium(green) abrasive step, it's a three step process, which cut pretty well. I was very surprised with the shine considering how bad my tunnel looked when i started. I have pictures but my computer is being a POS and not downloading them. My next step is to use the harbor freight polish kit($20). Then hand polish it again, then hopefully it will be good to seal. I know guys have used zoop to seal tunnels but has anybody used anything else that works good/holds up well??? I would like to go buy it vs order it online. Thanks
